Here’s What I Have to Say …
Surviving an Affair: The Wounding Party Needs to Become a Marriage Rebuilder
Surviving an Affair. This is not for the faint of spirit. With the right attitude repair work can begin immediately to save a marriage. The wounding marriage party must put their feelings aside and focus only on the feeling of their wounded spouse. Don't blame or bob and weave. Start the marriage repair right away with coming clean.
The pain felt by the wounded party after the revelation of an affair is immense. They feel blindsided. Their world has been turned upside down. Everything they thought to be true in their marriage is now in question. They hear everything through a filter of “possible lie” and betrayal. Even truths that they have known in the marriage for years are now taken into question. I’ve heard clients say, the person they love most in the world has “stabbed them in the back.” Unfortunately, all too often the wounding party underestimates the damage and pain inflicted on their spouse and the marriage.
In the immediate days and weeks following the disclosure or discovery of an infidelity, the wounding party can feel numb, avoidant, shame-filled or remorse. None of these emotions create the same emotional roller coaster that the wounded party feels. However, each party gets caught in the emotional dilemma of wanting connection and not wanting connection with each other. Clearly, this is a tough time and the marriage becomes very fragile.
These first days and weeks are critical to the survival of the marriage. If the wounding party immediately takes the right steps, the repair work can begin. If the person who stepped out of the relationship can now see their role as the *“marriage rebuilder” they can weather the roller coaster ahead.
Seven “DO” steps the wounding party can take immediately, to help start repairing the marriage:
1. Come clean. Truth. Truth. Truth. Full truth.
2. Let your spouse express their pain as often as they need.
3. Answer the same question 100 times.
4. Take it on the chin.
5. Acknowledge your actions as being incredibly painful and wrong.
6. Apologize often. Then, apologize more.
7. Break ALL ties with the affair partner.
8. Hold space for your loved one’s pain.
(Read next BLOG post on Why You’re Listening Wrong in Your Marriage)
If you are the wounding spouse and you want to save your marriage, you must take your role as “the healer” immediately. For more information about creating repair after an infidelity and becoming a successful Marriage Rebuilder read: * How to Help Your Spouse Heal from Your Affair: A Compact Guild for the Unfaithful By Linda MacDonald.
Book: How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair
The #1 Way to Become the BEST Gift Giver
Consider this, we often give love the way we want to receive it. If your primary love language is "gifts" and your romantic partner's primary love language is "quality time," you could be spending a lot of money and missing the boat...

While some of us love giving gifts to our romantic partner, others of us dread it. Will we get them the right thing? Will they like it? Will they hate it and not tell us… you get the picture.
Many times the way we purchase gifts is in a state of unconsciousness. We think about what the person might need or we think about what we would like the person to have. Often, we're not paying attention to what our partners want - and this is where we can blow it.
I just had a client this week tell me that he gives gifts to his wife "all the time" but it doesn't improve their intimacy. When I asked him if he does this number one thing before he gives her the gift, he went on to tell me about all the things he likes to buy her. While this is sweet and good intentioned, this loving man was missing the boat. As many of us often do.
Think about all the times you've gotten a gift from your romantic partner and wondered "Do they even know me"? And now, think about the gift that you would truly love from your romantic partner.
To give a great gift you have to do it in a state of authentic awakeness – if that's even a word. What I mean by that is, you have to do it in a way that you truly consider what your romantic partner wants most from you (not what you mostly want to give them). I know you're saying, "But Jenn... this takes work. This takes more time then that unconscious stuff."
According to author Gary Chapman, there are five main ways we want to get and experience love. Each of us has a "primary" way and often a "secondary" way. He calls them the 5 Love Languages. These love languages include:
- Gifts
- Acts of service
- Quality time
- Words of affirmation
- Physical touch
Consider this, we often give love the way we want to receive it. If your primary love language is "gifts" and your romantic partner's primary love language is "quality time," you could be spending a lot of money and missing the boat, every time. I know It's hard to see the disappointment in your loved ones eyes, when you buy them that little négligée that you thought was the perfect gift. However, through some easy investigation you can easily identify their primary love language and from now on, be giving them, what they feel, is the best gift they could ever received from you - and that's quality time! In fact, with some thoughtful awakeness, you could be giving them quality time while you're having lunch, holding hands, making eye contact and then shopping for that perfect négligée that you would love them to have. See how this works.:-)
Women often think that men's primary love language is physical touch. But most recently I had a couple who learned that his primary love language was actually words of affirmation. She was surprised and pleased to know this. He confirmed it was some laughter. Do you know your primary love language? Do you know your romantic partners primary love language? If you do you're on your way to being the best gift giver!
The number one way you can be sure to rock it out of the park now and always is to be awake in your gift giving, Consider the person you're giving the gift to and what is their primary love language? Give them the gift they want and watch them beam from ear to ear.
To find out more about discovering your romantic partner's primary love language (and becoming an awesome gift giver) go to
watch the sweet 3 minute video and take the quick quiz.
For more information about having the best relationship you can have, check out
or call me for a check up, check in or double-check.